Monday 11 February 2013

Be Wise

Do Casinos Like Winners?

So do you think the casinos like regular winners?  

The truth is not a simple yes or no.  There are a number of factors, which include how much you win, how often you win, and how you go about winning.  If you disguise well, then they will invariably be none-the-wiser.

If you go in and win £50,000 the casino stooges will be licking their lips, as these punters usually come back and spend all the money they have won, plus much more.  However they'd become suspicious if you went in every week and won £50k, wouldn't they?  So that's not the best thing to do and unless you are betting with big amounts to begin with (not usually recommended), you won't be winning such high amounts on your first night at the casino.  Maybe after a few nights, though.

It's best to think of a target.  If you want to win £1,000 then put down a few hundred to be changed into chips, so when you cash in your net £1k win, it doesn't look like you have went from nothing to winning a lot.  This works really well, so much so that it can disguise your true winnings for a while.  There are other ways to get around this headache, but it could hurt my game if I post them on a publicly viewable space, so I won't divulge right now.

What do you think the pit boss will think if you win every 2 spins, only betting on a small part of the wheel (say 3 numbers)?  They'd begin to perk up and take notice if you are costing their table money!  You've got to be smart about how you conduct yourself.  Have a think about it.

1 comment:

  1. Completely agree. It always depend on different factor. I prefer to play on casino live online.
